Good morning

It’s Friday, today. It’s the day we’ve all been waiting for. We count down the days until it arrives, knowing it promises us freedom and endless possibilities. We all work so hard, every day, going home tired and worn down.  Friday is our escape. If we can only make it to Friday, we’ll be okay. 

Why not treat every day like Friday? We need to make the most of our time, because it is limited. No one knows when their days here will end. Here’s my challenge to you, do one thing every day that makes you feel alive. Do one thing every day that feels like Friday. Don’t wait. Don’t dread Monday. Make the most of what you’ve got. This is my challenge to you. One day you might not make it to Friday, so enjoy every day as much as you can. I know we get tired. I know it’s hard sometimes. Just try. Try to do one thing that sparks the magic inside you. I promise, life will feel a lot more worth living.